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What to expect and useful preparation

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Confirming your session 
+ How 
long will the session take?

The best time to photograph your new baby is between day 5 and day 14.


At the time you book, we will provisionally schedule your session, based on your due date. This is a placeholder only - your confirmed date will be scheduled once your baby has arrived.


Please contact us as soon as possible after your baby has been born so we can schedule and confirm your session date and time.

On the day of the session, please plan on being at my studio for up to 3 to 4 hours. This means we can have plenty of time for feeds and cuddles without any time pressure.  

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The studio

Your session will take place in my relaxing portrait studio downstairs at unit 4 / 27 Waterman Place in Ferrymead 8023.


We have parking at our door and our main entrance is off the courtyard between the buidlings.


If you have any difficulties finding us, please don’t hesitate to call on 027 523 3939.


Wear comfortable light clothing as the temperature of the studio will rise to 28° Celsius, for the comfort of your baby. 


Pack a spare change of clothes just in case there are any little accidents.


Bring a pacifier – only if you are using one, as they can be very helpful during the session. 


If you are formula feeding bring some extra bottles, just in case. 


Bring a snack for yourself and any older children (drinks will be available at the studio).


For older children bring along a couple of their favourite toys or books to keep them entertained.

Shoot day preparation


Newborn studio safety

An assistant will be present throughout the session to ensure the safety and comfort of your baby.


I strongly believe that no image is worth sacrificing the comfort of your baby and not all babies are comfortable in all positions.


I will be led by your baby and will adjust the session according to their needs.

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Sibling studio safety

If you are bringing older children to the studio, we suggest making arrangements for someone who can attend with them and take them home or to the local park once we have captured your family portraits.


This will enable you and your baby to relax without distractions during the remainder of the session. 


Please be aware that there is a lot of equipment in the studio and therefore, for their safety, we would prefer that older children are closely monitored and kept in the small viewing area when not involved in a photograph.

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Engaging children in the session

I recommend talking to your older children about the session in advance. Tell them my name and explain what I will be doing. Lynley will also be present to help during the session so let the children know about that too. 


It can also be helpful to explain why you would like to have their portrait taken with their baby sibling. Many families also find it helpful to have a "treat" planned for after the session.

We try to avoid asking children to 'smile' during the session as we find this often leads to an unnatural expression as they try to comply. We prefer to make them giggle and laugh so please let us know if there are any things your kids find funny and be prepared to get right behind me and make faces to get them looking towards the camera! 

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What to

You should wear clothing you feel comfortable in. Neutral colours and simple fabric patterns typically photograph best.


For families, coordinating colours tend to work better than completely matching outfits. 


As the session progresses, it will get very hot in the studio to ensure your baby remains warm and relaxed. As such, you may find wearing lighter clothing more comfortable and you may prefer to bring clothing to change into for your family portraits.


It is a good idea to have a spare change of clothing, in case of any little accidents.

Check out my full guide, including inspiration boards, on what to wear for a professional photoshoot here.

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Props and clothing for your baby

I have plenty of props and outfits for you to choose from and like to involve you in the styling of the session.


However, if you have a special item that you would incorporate in the session, I would love for you to bring it along.

You can see lots of examples of the outfits, wraps and textiles in the newborn gallery

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When will your gallery be ready?

An ordering appointment will be held at the studio 3-4 weeks after your session.


At this appointment you will be able to view your collection printed and ready for you to take home. You will select your collection and images for artwork during the appointment.


Artwork and albums will be delivered 2-4 weeks later and you will be invited to the studio to collect them.

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